Difference Between Mentor And Mentee | Key Areas To Look At

difference between mentor and mentee

Do you recall when you first learned to throw a ball or solve your sums correctly? We have all had our own unique learning experiences growing up. Over the years, you may have outgrown those relationships. But you are still indebted to a certain someone for providing you with that guidance. Here is where the mentor and mentee relationship comes in.

The difference between mentor and mentee lies within the learning outcome. While a mentor uses his skills to teach and coach the student, the mentee receives guidance. A mentor and mentee connection lies in mutual admiration and confidence as well because the mentor supports the mentee in their expertise and urges them to prosper.  

I have identified a few mentor and mentee roles and responsibilities in this article. Keep reading to learn more!

Comparison chart 

RoleA mentor has knowledge in a particular field and desires to teach another person.A mentee is keen to gain knowledge without prior expertise or skills in a particular field.
SkillsA mentor provides aid in acquiring new skills while also boosting existing ones.A mentee follows advice and feedback. They also develop new talents and perfect existing ones.
NetworkA mentor’s professional network opens doors and introduces mentees to essential contacts.The mentee can benefit from the mentor’s contacts in a professional network.
Self DevelopmentA mentor can help their mentee in developing their potential and confidence.A mentee engages in the mentor’s support and gains self-assurance.
RelationshipA mentor is significant for the mentee’s professional development, especially for guidance in other aspects of life.Mentee discovers their relationship with their mentor later in their professional life.

Who Is A Mentor?

Think about your father helping you with sums in preschool. Then, high school happened, and your tutor became your next mentor for Chemistry. A mentor is a knowledgeable and dependable advisor in someone’s life.

A mentor offers direction and modeling for a mentee’s personal or academic growth. The mentor’s position may change as the mentee’s needs alter. Some mentoring relationships are more official, such as your basketball coaching. Again, your mother advising you on qualities like empathy is your lifestyle mentor.

What does a mentor offer?

Being able to help others is one of the critical advantages of mentoring. Whether a mentor has encountered failure increases their credibility and experience. This makes individuals feel more secure in choosing them. They assist their mentees by sharing their knowledge or experience. In essence, mentoring is guiding others as they make progress along their paths.

Qualities of a good mentor?

A good mentor : 

  • Has respect for the mentee.
  • Upholds confidentiality.
  • Honest at work.
  • Values the mentee as a person.
  • Helps the mentee in finding a solution to a problem.
  • Providing sound advice and not overstepping.

What is a Mentee?

A mentee receives guidance, instruction, or counseling from a mentor. So, a mentee is to a mentor what an envelope is to the letter. As a mentee, you cover everything your mentor teaches you.

Thereby, a mentee will have specific qualities to acquire from their mentor. The mentor may set out a particular time to instruct or teach them. For example, you and your football coach practice every Sunday after school!

What makes you a good mentee?

Certain characteristics that makes a person a good mentee involves: 


As a good mentee, you should be honest with your mentor about your learning. If you are not honest, your mentor will not be able to trust the outcome of his hard work.


A mentee should be very sincere toward his or her learning. He or she should carry out every responsibility with utmost sincerity.

Time Management

A good mentee should be very time efficient. He or she should make proper use of the time and use it wisely. A mentee should also finish his pending work in due time. This shows his good time management.

Professional communicator

A mentee should professionally communicate with his or her mentor. A good mentee maintaining good communication with his or her mentor is a better way to solve problems.


A good mentee is dependable and devoted to their growth. They take their mentor’s advice seriously, arrive on schedule, and keep their promises.

The relationship between a mentor and a mentee is an important educational tool. Let us now look at the main difference between a mentor and a mentee.

The key differences mentor and mentee

  1. A mentor has been through the experiences, unlike a mentee. So, a mentor shares his knowledge and skills to guide the mentee.
  2. A mentee is accountable for acting on the advice given by their mentor. In contrast, a mentor handles support and direction to their mentee. For example, a college student may ask his or her mentor for career guidance. The mentee may submit an application for a job based on the mentor’s recommendations. 
  3. A mentor can help the mentee build a professional network and academic success. A mentee does not inherently have it with him. Because he merely uses the mentor’s advice. 
  4. Let’s imagine knowledge as a product. Thus, a mentor acts as the manufacturer while the mentee supplies it. A mentee might also offer new insights back to a mentor.
  5. Responsibility-wise, a mentor offers all the knowledge that the mentee needs. But, a mentee’s responsibility is to have an open mind. A mentee who is not open to receiving criticism from their mentor does not gain honest feedback.
  6. Mentors offer mentees possibilities for learning and development. Mentees look for and seize such opportunities. Say a mentee wants to develop their public speaking abilities. A mentor may pursue him or her to enroll in a workshop or public speaking course.

Mentor Vs. Mentee: Roles and Responsibilities

Describing the traits of a mentor and a mentee, the term “versus” loses meaning. Because their relationship is neither a contest nor a debate, instead, it is a collaborative partnership.  Let us now look at the roles and responsibilities of a mentor and mentee.

What Roles Does A Mentor Play For A Mentee?


A mentor acts as the mentee’s counselor and guide. Giving advice and direction based on their own experiences is their main role. For example, a mentor might counsel a mentee on negotiating a new career or sector.


A mentor can also serve as a practitioner to a mentee. Providing training and criticism to help the mentee develop their abilities and performance. For example, a mentor might offer tips to a mentee on public speaking or communication skills.

Emotional Support Provider

To help the mentee overcome challenges, he needs emotional support and motivation. A mentor plays a very important role here. For example, a mentee facing difficulty in a project receives support from a mentor.

What Responsibilities Does A Mentee Have Toward A Mentor?

Seeking opportunities

By seeking opportunities from the mentor, a mentee can take part in their own growth and learning. For example, a mentee might approach the mentor for comments on a specific subject.

Receptive to comments

A mentee should be receptive to comments from the mentor and a keen listener. For example, a mentee must be open to constructive criticism for better performance.

Establishing goals

With the mentor’s help, a mentee establishes specific goals and objectives. These goals impact their personal development. For example, a mentee might decide to take on a new project to develop their leadership skills.

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of having a mentor?

Having a mentor has many benefits, such as learning new skills and practices. So you can receive support and help while you work toward your objectives.

What are some typical problems that mentees face?

If you are a mentor, you may wonder what problems your mentee faces. Mentees commonly need help with applying the mentor’s advice. They may not know what questions to ask or feel intimidated by their mentor.

How to make my mentee more comfortable?

You need to build a relationship of trust with your mentee. The mentor-mentee relationship in education should not be limited to textbooks only. You may discuss other issues and let them be easy around you.

How do I find a good mentor?

You could directly contact and go to professional events to find a mentor. Besides, enrolling in mentoring programs are a few ways to locate a mentor. 


Nothing is as rewarding and precious as the relationship between a mentor and a mentee. The more you nurture it, the more you learn. For your convenience, this article explains the difference between mentor and mentee in detail. Hope you can also relate to some mentor and mentee examples mentioned here.

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